N O   O V E R S T O C K   =   S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y


Our On Demand ordering model is launching late 2024. If you would like to get notified, please sign up for our News Journal here.


As part of our sustainability effort to avoid overstock, as well as being a small newly launched brand, we are initially producing ready stock only in our most commonly purchased sizes. However, to make Wayla The Line more inclusive we are working on creating an on-demand-order model for some of our sizes. This means we are manufacturing each item on order basis and completely avoiding producing any overstock.


If an item has an on-demand order option for some sizes, the sizes are listed with rest of the size selections with the text 'on-demand' after the size. You can select and purchase the on-demand items the same way as the rest of the items. Each on-demand order will take around 2-3 weeks to produce and is given the same attention and care as the rest of our production.


Be aware that in case the order includes an on-demand item, the whole order will ship once that item is ready to ship. If you prefer the items to be shipped separately, please make two separate purchases; one for ready stock items that are ready to ship and another one for the on-demand order items. If you have any questions regarding this process or your on-demand order please contact us at support@waylatheline.com.